South Sudanese/Sudanese meals
The majority of meals consist of 2 types of stews, thick stews with tomato based called dama and a thinner stew or shorba(soups).
In the past, in the villages most meals consisted of 2 meals; breakfast and supper but with people travelling into the city and migration from the north of the country. Mealtimes have evolved with the introduction of varieties of food, spices and desserts or hillo ( sugary snacks) into the food production.
These are some of the popular meals, snacks and drinks that served in South Sudan.
- Plain dama
- plain soup or shourba
- Okra/Bamia
- Molokhia
- Yoghurt/Mulah robe
- Kumbo
- Fish soup
- Lentil
side meals
- Tamiah/ falafel
- Ful/Fava beans
- Shaiyha/ fried meat
- Salads
- Kufta or Kebab
- Kumonia/ offal
Desserts and drinks
- Zalabiya/ fried doughnuts
- Biscuits- khak and petti four
- Fatheera/ pie
- Lemon drink
- Karkadi (hibiscus)
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